1ST-31ST July 2025

Race Information


  • Choose between a 21 km, 10 km, 5 km walk or run
  • Eligibility   Children - To enter as a child the participant must be between the ages of five to eleven years as of the 1st of July 2025. And must be accompanied by an adult who has also entered. Adult entries are twelve years plus.

  •  The virtual running or walking event can be completed between the 1st-31st July 2025.  This event can be completed anywhere, anytime in New Zealand or around the world. Once you complete your distance, upload your time via our website. You can use apps such as Strava, Fitbit or Map my Run to record your route & time. All participants who successfully upload or email us their results will receive a medal. 

Terms and Conditions

  1. I acknowledge that the event I am entering into is a virtual event and the event organisers are responsible solely for organising the event administration and that I am solely responsible for my choice of event course and my own safety while competing in the event in the same way as if I was undertaking a run or walk myself for my own recreation and that there is no fixed course, no fixed time to run or walk the event and no marshals, volunteers, safety barriers, shelter or water provided for me.
  2. I confirm with entering the Cape Egmont Virtual Half Marathon 2025 event/s, I release and discharge members of the Cape Egmont Half Marathon Committee, owners and/or custodians of land and property on and over which I choose to walk or run, the event sponsors and promoters, volunteers, and all other persons, entities or groups associated with the planning and conduct if the event, from any liability and claims that arise from losses, injuries and or damage however caused (whether fatal or otherwise) that I may suffer from my preparation for and/or participation in this event.
  3. Eligibility   Children - To enter as a child the participant must be between the ages of five to eleven years as of the 1st of July 2025. And must be accompanied by an adult who has also entered. Adult entries are twelve years plus.
  4. I acknowledge that participating in a 5 km, 10 km and half marathon run/walk can involve risk of serious injury or even death from various causes including overexertion, dehydration, weather conditions, or road users and other causes.
  5. I agree that, to the extent permissible by law, the event organizers event volunteers the sponsors and other parties associated with the event, have no liability to me whatsoever for any direct and indirect loss (including but not limited to injury or death) sustained by me during or in any way related to my participation in the event.
  6. I accept all risks from my participation in this event which could result in permanent injury or loss of life.
  7. I understand that I should not compete in this event unless I have trained appropriately and had any health concerns or pre-existing medical conditions checked by a medical practitioner to confirm that it is medically safe for me to participate.
  8. If I am taking part in the Cape Egmont Virtual Half Marathon or any of the other distances available to participate in.  I will make sure that I inform another person, who will make sure I complete the run/walk and return safely home.
  9. I agree to comply with the rules of the event.
  10. I authorize the use of my name, voice, picture, and any information provided by me on this entry form, and without payment, for the purpose of any reasonable promotional purposes on social media.
  11. I agree that the Cape Egmont Half Marathon Committee is in no position or under any obligation to verify or prove the accuracy of information provided by entrants.
  12. I acknowledge that if the event is cancelled due to acts of nature, my entry fee will not be refunded.
  13. I hereby agree that this is a drug and alcohol-free event.
  14. My accepted entry into the event will not be transferred to another entrant.
  15. I confirm, that when this entry is completed on behalf of me and/or others, that these others have been made aware of the above statement/s and that each of them confirm the release, discharge set out therein, including on behalf of their executors, administrators and assigns.
  16. You may transfer your entry from the Virtual Event to our actual event taking place on the 15th of July 2025.  The difference in cost needs to be paid with cash only on the day.  Otherwise, no refunds will be available